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Sunday, May 15, 2016

#Review: Mia and the Bad Boy (#BackstagePass 2) by Lisa Burstein | @EntangledTEEN #CRUSH

Mia and the Bad Boy
(Backstage Pass #2) 
Lisa Burstein

This good girl’s about to meet her match…

Ryder Brooks is living the dream—he’s famous, loved by millions of girls, and miserable. All he really wants is to write his own music, not Seconds to Juliet’s sugary sweet pop. In order to do that, though, the “bad boy” of the band will have to play by the rules. And that includes behaving with his new—and super cute—über-good-girl tutor.

Mia Reyes is in fangirl heaven. Tutoring her favorite member of her favorite band? It’s a dream come true…until it turns into a complete nightmare. Ryder is nothing like she thought. He’s crude, arrogant, and pretty much a total jerk. And the worst part? She’s roped into pretending to be his girlfriend so that no one finds out he’s being tutored. Fake kisses, plenty of PDA, and even sharing his hotel room…

But sometimes even the baddest of bad boys needs a little redemption.

DISCLAIMER: I own this book - Definitely worth binge-reading if you own the entire series.
Aimee and the Heartthrob - Review

Who doesn't like a bad boy? Ryder Brooks is the "Bad Boy" in the world-known boy-band, Seconds to Juliet (S2J) and he certainly knows how to flaunt the fact. However, what the rest of the band does not know is that Ryder dropped out of school, is failing, and needs a private tutor. This is where Mia comes in. But Ryder does not want the other band members to get any ideas about him failing school and decides to have Mia ply his girlfriend to cover up the fact that she is tutoring him.

Now, at first, Mia does lay out some ground rules, but they don't seem to last for very long. One kiss changes everything. No, I am not going to say anything else.

My Rating: 5 of 5 Stars.
It is really interesting to see how the different writing style brings the full effect to the different characters. It is so much fun to read another character's story. What I like most is that you CAN read these books as stand-alones. The way Ryder gets Mia back . . .  *touches chest where heart is fluttering to the roof* Awesome! Have you read this book? If so, what do you like most about it? I need to rant with someone!

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